Sunday, March 30, 2008

Air Filter, Header, Strutbar, Per Ceper honda Jazz

1. Air filter open Top Fuel, jepang ASLI 1,5jt good condition (SOLD)

2. Header 4-2-1 dan down pipe hotbits, baru 1 bulan pake 1,6jt (foto nyusul, baru mau copot minggu ini)

3. Strutbar depan Cusco ASLI, good condition 900rb (Booked)

car modif 2010,insurance of cars,
car modif 2010,insurance of cars,
car modif 2010,insurance of cars,

4. Strutbar belakang (bagasi) rep. Cusco, good condition (SOLD)

5. Per Copotan (kalo ga salah dari Corolla great) ceper nya di jazz pas bgt, 1 jari dari ban, masih bagus bgt, baru pake sebentar, 350rb (BOOKED)

hub 08158955285

car modif 2010,insurance of cars,
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